CRUISE LIFE: Alchemy Bar & Our First Dinner – Carnival Dream

Once the rain started when headed inside to explore the ship and headed to the lobby area.
It was Easter Sunday and we discovered they had a candy hunt all over the ship. I spoke to one employee manning a station who explained how it worked… They had random stations set up all over this ship with an employee with a big bucket of candy. Kids of any age could get a small bag and go around and collect as much candy as they like for free! The kids really seemed to be enjoyed it!
There was some great music playing in the lobby… well, to be honest, there was almost always good music in the lobby area… But this was a three-piece brass band and we just stood by the railing and listened.
Alchemy Bar is the BEST!
Next up, Promenade on deck 5… Jason walked over to Alchemy Bar to grab a drink and I hit up the Taste Bar next door. If you don’t know what the Taste Bar is, it is set up most evenings and serves small samples from the signature Carnival restaurants. This time was my favorite which we have had on previous cruises and is from the steakhouse. It is a braized rib finger with a side of pumpkin soup, it is so good!
Alchemy Bar is unique on the ship, most bartenders just ask what you want to drink. But at Alchemy, they ask what you like and will create a special concoction just for you. Jason said he liked vodka and grapefruit juice and she built a drink for him. It was good and it was strong… That’s another thing about Alchemy, these are the most potent drinks on board.
Off we go to gather the crew for dinner and we pass through Bonsai Sushi and Ethan tries to convince me that I need to give it a try… yeah that’s not going to happen… He can eat sushi til his heart’s content but he will never convince me to try raw fish! So we get back to the cabin just before the boys and when we are all assembled we see a few surprises have been left in our rooms. For one, it’s our fits towel animal of the trip! We debated on what it was but no one could actually figure it out. We also had our first gold VIFP pin, a certificate for a free drink on the last night and huge bottles of water each for Being return guests. Little things make us happy 🙂
Our first dinner onboard the Carnival Dream
On to dinner! We were seated for late dining (8:15) in the Scarlet Dining Room. Arriving early, there was a nice surprise that there was a strings trio serenading the crowd waiting to enter, it was lovely. We were led to the very back of the dining room to a table along the windows. It was dark so it was pitch black outside but this would be a beautiful view during the day. Also, we were so happy that they were able to fit all eleven of us at a table together, we were worried about that! Dinner was great as always with some of us trying our favorites (shrimp cocktail) and also trying something new.
We started with cheese plates with our bread service. Now, these are technically on the dessert menu, but if you ask, they will bring them out early. Next came the appetizers (cue the many shrimp cocktails) and then the main course. Jason has decided to try and eat healthy so ordered the salmon, but I was indulging and had the sweet & sour shrimp which was really good! Last but not least was dessert. Now I have a bit of tradition that no matter what else is offered I will ALWAYS have the Warm Chocolate Melting Cake… It is Carnival’s signature dessert for a reason… food porn!
Do you want to see this story come to life: Here is the video: YouTube EECC Travels – Cruise Life Vlog – Carnival Dream Day 1: Part 3
Want to see more from this trip? Here is the full Carnival Dream Playlist.
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