Episode 27: Dinos & Fish & Turtles… Oh My! – Walt Disney World – September 2016

There is so much to see in Animal Kingdom… dinos & fish & turtles. Yes dinosaurs, well not REAL dinosaurs, but there are plenty of them in Dinoland!
Dinoland USA
Cameron has become crazy about pin trading! He will literally stop every Cast Member he sees with a lanyard and ask to trade. He found a really fun guy at the entrance to Din-O-Rama and they visited and traded for a while and of course he had to ask about Cameron’s Pluto collection! He has been collecting Pluto pins for the past few years and has attached them to the floppy ears of his hat, it has drawn quite a few comments over the trip! With a new Pluto pin to add we take our first steps of this trip into Dinoland… First stop a funny picture of course! I love the cute photo op there is with the car and dinos, we always take a fun snapshot here. Another first for the trip… Mickey ice cream bar! Yes, I cannot believe we have been in Disney for several days and this is my first, but it is true…
Primeval Hurl?
Now on to the ‘spin cycle’ as Stacy calls it. Primeval Whirl is one heck of a ride! It is not like anything else at Disney, or at any other park I can think of… This is the one ride that I dread but have to ride at least once. It is full of ups and downs and sharp turns and spins and will knock you silly! And don’t even think about riding this one if you get motion sickness, geesh! But it really is fun and we never skip it… but also never ride it twice J We also take a quick round on Triceratops Spin and pop in our favorite gift shop in Animal Kingdom before leaving Dinoland. Dinosaur was closed for refurbishment so we did not get to ride on this trip…
We LOVE Finding Nemo!
Right next to Dinoland is air conditioning… I mean the theater for Finding Nemo: The Musical. Let me just say that I LOVE this show! We used a FastPass for the first time here and scored awesome seats close to the front of the show which was the best view we ever had. Now I love this and recorded almost the entire show… but shortened for our video… I hope you enjoy this snippet as much as we love it.
In case you have never seen this, let me give a quick synopsis… This show is performed with actors with puppets. Now that alone does not sound very impressive, but it really is! The actors where costumes that sort-of camouflage them to the puppet or the ‘sea’ surroundings. Oh and pretty much the entire show is in song.
It is beautiful and fun how they take us through the entire story of Finding Nemo in just 30 minutes and add some original songs that were not part of the movie. Our personal favorites are Crush’s ‘Go With the Flow’ and the ensemble singing “Big Blue World’ which will definitely be stuck in your head for days to come!!!
We end with an amazing musician playing a harp… A HARP in Animal Kingdom! And there is only one word to describe this performance… AMAZING!
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