The Liebster Award 2017

I am so proud to be the recipient of the 2017 Leibster Award for new blogs! I was nominated by Kathy Raynes of The Quiet Cruiser – this site is full of tips for new cruisers as well as fantastic cruise and port reviews. And also by Cynthia Mackintosh of Mackintosh Travels – this is a family travel blog where they share their experiences and tips for destinations around the world. Both are great travel blogs so please check them out!
The Liebster Award is an internet award given to bloggers by bloggers in recognition for their potential to grow successfully into the blogging community. It originated in Germany in 2011 and literally translates into sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.
For the origins and all of the details, visit The Global Aussie.
Ten Facts About Me
- I have been married to my wonderful husband Jason for twenty years.
- We have three teenage boys, two of which are identical twins.
- Born and raised in Alexandria, LA where I still live.
- Cub Scout and Boy Scout leader for nine years with the boys. I gained a renewed love of camping during this time. I was also awarded the Silver Beaver award from our council for ‘above and beyond’ service to the Scouting community.
- My family loves to collect! We have an enormous dvd/bluray collection with almost every Disney movie ever released. We have a room in our house dedicated to our hobbies and collections. Jason’s guitars take up one wall and mine and the boy’s Disney pin collection takes up the other. We also collect magnets and mugs from our travels.
- My boys have me hooked on all of the superhero shows… I avidly watch Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, and DC Legends of Tomorrow on CW and we have started on the group of Marvel shows on Netflix as well.
- My trips as a child sparked my ongoing love for travel. All it took was one trip to Walt Disney World when I was a kid and I was hooked for life!
- Our first cruise was only in 2014 but we immediately fell in love with cruising and being the researcher I am, I feel that I have become an amatur-expert in all things cruising.
- I have travel goals to visit all of the Disney parks around the world.
- I actually enjoy sewing and making my own Mickey ears to wear in the parks.
Nomination Questions
I am trying to convince Jason that we should move to Florida so we would be in the middle of a state with four cruise ports, Disney World, Universal Orlando, and the list goes on and on…
2. What is the best memory that you have while traveling?

My Nominees
Create a blog post about the award with a link to the blog who nominated you with a get to know you and answers to the questions below.
Answer the questions above.
Nominate 5 blogs who you believe deserve to receive the award.
Notify the nominated bloggers so that they can accept the award.
- If you could leave now and go anywhere in the world with cost not being an objective, where would you go and why?
- Where have you traveled that you would love to visit again?
- Where would you travel just to eat food?
- What is your best travel tip?
- Which historic site would you most like to visit?
- What is the city in the USA you would most like to visit and why?
- What is the city outside the USA you would most like to visit and why?
- Where was your first vacation ever?
- What is the best memory that you have while traveling?
- Name three locations or experiences on your bucket list and explain why you want to visit or experience them.
Thank you to the blogging community as I have learned so much in the last few months and made many new but lasting connections.
Alisa – EECC Travels
5 Responses
Your post looks great! Nice job!
Thanks so much Cynthia! And thank you again for the nomination 🙂
Congrats and thank you for the nomination <3 I am honored to receive this award and share with 5 new bloggers!
Just discovered some of your you-tube videos! We find them very informative and really enjoy you and Jason’s playful interaction.
You’re a joy to watch!
Thanks for the amazing information